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Sunday, January 18, 2015

let's know more about Acne , skin treatment

acne , skin treatment


Overview about Acne :

Acne (acne) occur when hair follicles on the skin become clogged due to secretions of the sebaceous glands and dead cells of the skin. Acne usually affect the face, back, chest and arms. Tendency to exacerbate acne can be inherited. Acne usually appears during adolescence in the form of small red bumps, sometimes large cysts and nodules. Usually after puberty acne are alone. Acne is most common in men than in women. 
Acne is among the most common skin diseases. In one form or another acne occur in 60-80% of young people aged 12 to 24 years. However, acne can appear after 25 years, as a rule, on a background of metabolic disorders.

What is Acne ?

acne , skin treatment
cause of acne , skin treatment
Acne (acne) is one of the most common skin diseases. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, resulting from their blockage and increased sebum production. 

The sebaceous glands are only in the skin of mammals. These glands produce a special secret (sebum) - a mixture of fats, which prevent overdrying the skin, making it supple, protect the body against various bacteria and infections, as well as participate in a complex system of thermoregulation skin. 

it arises due to the clogging sebum glands and an imbalance of androgens in the body. Consequently, the skin appear black, purulent acne, inner content which is an excellent breeding ground for the development of all sorts of bacteria and pathogenic organisms. 

Sebaceous secretions may be increased by raising the level of male hormones (androgens) and fall under the influence of female sex (estrogen).

What causes Acne ?

Experts identify several basic types of acne, depending on the cause. First of all it is endogenous (arising due to internal reasons) and exogenous (arising due to external causes) acne.Acne caused by four main factors:1) hormones, especially during puberty,2) increasing the size of the sebaceous glands,3) increased production of sebum gland;4) bacteria reproduction which leads to inflammation.The cause of acne can be endogenous various hormonal changes, including natural "hormonal surge" in adolescence and early adulthood. Also plays a role due to hereditary inadequate response of the sebaceous glands on the rising levels of male sex hormones in the blood, which can occur in both men and women.In adulthood, the most common cause of acne is an endogenous seborrhea. In addition, acne can occur in various infections, as well as chronic diseases. Often very clinical acne may suggest the presence of underlying disease. For example, the location of acne in women around the mouth and chin often indicates ovarian pathology.Exogenous acne develops:in contact with the skin of different substances with comedogenic effect - property of causing a blockage of the sebaceous glands and coarsening of the skin (hyperkeratosis) in the mouths of hair follicles. These include a variety of oils and greases, the formulations containing the tar. Since these substances a person can contact, for example in production.when immoderate use of cosmetics containing fats (fatty cream-powder, blush, eye shadow, etc.). In some foreign classifications of acne stands out even a special form of acne - acne Mallorca. This clinical variant has been described in young people vacationing in Mallorca, who used suntan oil, the consequence of acne.by prolonged pressure and friction with clothing or skin wash, which causes mechanical plugging holes follicles. An example is the long-term pressure headgear, sporting helmet, plaster bandage, bed linen in immobilized patients, particularly those with excessive sweating. In these cases, the individuals predisposed to the disease, there may be mechanical acne.as a result of taking anabolic steroids by athletes and bodybuilders - so-called Bodybuilding acne.Under the influence of hormones sebaceous gland increases in size and produces excessive amounts of sebum. At the same time, quickly die and are sloughed off cells ductless sebaceous gland, thus narrowing the lumen.Soon after the formation of "plugs", which prevent the emergence of fat out. Finding no way out, sebum stretches cavity sebaceous gland, where it gradually accumulates more and more.Mixture of fat cells and a good environment for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Sebum, dead cells and bacteria collected under the skin, causing inflammation, pain, redness and the appearance of pus - this is what is called acne.

What's going on?

In the development of acne, there are four main mechanisms:
  • increased production of sebaceous secretion by the sebaceous glands;
  • hyperkeratosis - an excessive thickening of the upper (horny) layer of the skin;
  • skin microflora activity, ie those bacteria which normally inhabit the human skin;
  • inflammation.
Due to increased production of sebum increases in size, which leads to the appearance of unsightly enlarged pores on the face. In her mouth duct thickened layer of horny scales of skin that are exfoliated faster than usual. Soon flakes clog the duct and clog it. Finding no way out, sebum stretches cavity sebaceous gland, where it gradually accumulates more and more. In clogged sebaceous glands starts to breed bacteria Propionobacterium acne. This bacterium - representative of normal microflora of the sebaceous glands, but when it multiplies too much, there is inflammation.Clogged sebaceous gland filled with sebum, called comedones. If comedo has no outlet to the skin surface, the sebum is white and there are whiteheads. If comedo reaches the surface, the sebum partially oxidized melanin admixed thereto, whereby the head acquires a black color comedone - arise blackheads.Acne can occur for many different reasons. That's why when it appears necessary to address to the dermatologist - a doctor to find out what led to the emergence of acne and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you find that acne is caused by hormonal disorders, you also need to consult an endocrinologist.

About Chuck

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1 comment:

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