acne , skin treatment
Acne is a chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands, mainly the face, back and chest. Called
violation of the sebaceous glands - they begin to produce too much fat,
it leads to blockage of sebaceous ducts hair dead skin cells, grease,
The mechanism of development of acne
mechanism of acne , skin treatment
The mechanism of acne is due to the mutual influence of four factors:
1. Excessive increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands
Hypersecretion of sebum tends to reduce its germicidal properties and a change in consistency. Sebum becomes dense, forming plugs in the ducts and overlapping them. Often there is a period of rapid puberty in adolescents and in the last week of the menstrual cycle in women.
2. Follicular hyperkeratosis
basis of the development of follicular hyperkeratosis is a violation of
the normal process of constant renewal hair follicle cells. Thickening of the horny layer of the surface of the hair follicles
along with grease tube creates an additional obstacle to the outflow of
3. Reproduction propionic acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes)
in large numbers living on the skin of healthy people, under certain
conditions can cause the development of acute inflammatory reactions. Tallow-horny plugs hair follicles are a favorable environment for their reproduction and enhanced active life. Leading role in the appearance of acne acne belongs propionic bacteria.
4. Inflammation
Active reproduction of propionic bacteria acne leads to tissue response and the development of inflammation in them.
What causes Acne ?
Exogenous (internal) causes of acne
At the heart of acne is a violation of the sebaceous glands - hypersecretion of sebum. It is influenced by a number of internal and external causes, creating a fertile ground for the development of acne.
1. Testosterone and acne
One of the most common causes of acne in adolescence - hormonal changes the body. Active
release of steroid hormones, especially androgens - male hormones, and
the girls and boys causes enhanced secretion of the sebaceous glands. Sebum changes its properties, turning from a liquid to a dense and viscous.Features hormonal levels and skin reactions can be inherited. Therefore, the probability of occurrence of acne vulgaris in young
people whose parents suffered from acne, much higher than their peers
without a history of heredity.
2. Premenstrual Acne
Steroid hormone levels in women varies during the menstrual cycle and increased in its final phase. This circumstance associated with the appearance of acne for about a week before menstruation in 70% of women. Even those who do not suffer from acne often notice the appearance of individual spots on the chin on the eve of the monthly.
3. "Hormonal" acne
Acne and acne in adolescence due to physiologically. However, if the acne persist into adulthood, it is a serious signal to think about their health. Typically, the presence of such evidence of violations of acne production of sex hormones.In women, the so-called hormonal acne can be caused by polycystic
ovary syndrome, pregnancy or abortion, ie, conditions associated with
abrupt changes in hormonal levels.Endocrine disrupting activity in the adrenal or pituitary also influence the occurrence of acne. Thus, the state of hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones - androgens) are often accompanied by the appearance of acne. Therefore, for adults suffering from acne, it is obligatory to not
only visit a beautician or a dermatologist, but a number of laboratory
tests, consultations endocrinologist and gynecologist (for women).
4. Hyperkeratosis as the cause of acne
of the surface of the stratum corneum - hyperkeratosis - can develop
under the influence of several factors: hormonal levels, vitamin A
deficiency, skin exposure to hazardous chemicals (eg lubricants) or
mechanical factors (friction, pressure). Thick horny scales, along with a modified sebum clog pores, as a
favorable environment for the development of a microbial process.
5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as a cause of acne
researchers give the appearance of acne in direct dependence on the
nature of power and status of the gastrointestinal tract of the patient. Indeed,
the prevalence of diet food and carbohydrate deficiency of essential
amino acids, and healthy fats lead to hyperfunction of the sebaceous
glands. In some cases, modifying the diet to normalize the secretion of sebum and get rid of acne.According to medical statistics, more than 50% of people acne occurs
on the background of an existing gastritis, yet 30% - on the background
of pathological conditions of the intestine.Places localization lesions depend on the destruction of a portion of the digestive tract. Eruptions
in the nose, cheeks, mouth corners may indicate changes in the
pancreas, in the temporal region - gall bladder, above the upper lip -
thick, and on the forehead - the small intestine. Therefore, the state of the digestive tract has an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Normal intestinal microflora, 70% providing the human immune system,
prevents the formation of new spots and provides healing of existing
6. Individual skin microflora as a cause of acne
In the skin and mouths of the sebaceous glands of healthy people, mites, fungi, etc. Under normal conditions, they do not cause any problems, but the
imbalance in the body (hyperandrogenism, pimples or acne) leads to their
active proliferation and inflammation in the skin.
7. Stress as a cause of acne
Directly the stress does not cause acne, but its effect on the
hormonal and immune status of the body can aggravate manifestation of
acne causing new acne rash and weakening the protective mechanisms.
8. Immune system disorders
immunity can be caused by several reasons: stress, digestive system,
etc., But always has a consequence, decrease the body's resistance to
adverse effects. With the reduction of the protective mechanisms of the skin usually even "neutral" microorganisms capable of causing great harm.
Endogenous (external) causes of acne
1. Cosmetics and Acne: comedogenic cosmetics as a cause of acne
of acne can also be a so called comedogenic cosmetics, ie plugging the
pores and promotes acne: creams, powder, lotion, blush, etc. The
substances are-comedogenic oils (corn, coconut, mineral, peach, almond,
soy), lanolin, petrolatum, oleic acid, sulfur, squalene, sorbitan,
sodium lauryl sulfate and other Masking acne using cosmetics for further
aggravates acne. Therefore, when buying care products and makeup should choose products
labeled "non-comedogenic» (non comedogenic). Non comedogenic).
2. Heat and humid climate
Aggravate acne or cause for its occurrence are high humidity and hot climate. Eruptions often localized on the chest, neck, back - those areas that are most annoyed afterwards.
3. Sun and UV
Ultraviolet in moderate doses dries and disinfects acne and sun tan evens out skin tone, masking, thus acne acne elements. However, an overabundance of ultraviolet has quite the opposite effect. Increased
secretion of sebum and further draining the stratum corneum leading to
aggravate acne and increase the number of pimples. This mechanism works and tan on the open beach, and a sunroom.
4. Vocational contact with toxic substances
Professional activities of many people associated with direct contact
with the consumer and industrial chemistry (eg, oil, lubricating oil,
chlorine, etc.), Causing the appearance of acne through the development
of hyperkeratosis of the skin and hair follicles.
5. Squeezing pimples - acne cause of new
Attempts to squeeze pimples and thus get rid of them alone can lead to the opposite result. When
squeezing acne infection penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin,
non-inflamed shatters elements, leading to their infection and
suppuration. Especially
dangerous squeezing pimples in the face of nasolabial triangle, because
a great danger of introduction of infection through the bloodstream to
the meninges. Cleaning the face with a scrub during inflammatory skin rash should be excluded. Safe and effective acne treatment can be carried out only specialist dermatologist.Constant friction and mechanical pressure on the skin (when wearing
hats, tight collars and other clothing) causes acne in these areas.
6. Acne Medication
the treatment of many diseases of the internal organs to date applied
steroid hormones that cause the appearance of acne medication. This form of acne is characterized by the sudden appearance of acne, coinciding with the start of corticosteroids. Also observed the appearance of acne in women who stop taking birth control pills.
7. Excessive cleanliness
Excessive cleanliness, paradoxically, can also trigger the appearance of acne. Frequent washing dries the skin, reduces its protective properties and exacerbates signs of acne. However,
hand washing should be regular spacing to prevent infection from the
source across the surface inflammation of the skin.
Stages of development of acne
stages of acne , skin treatment
basis of the development of acne are irregularities in the sebaceous
glands, leading to the formation of tallow-horny plugs in their ducts. On
the surface plugs (comedones) are beginning to proliferate pathogenic
bacteria, causing irritation and purulent inflammation of the
surrounding tissue. Acne
rash predominantly localized in the chin, nose, forehead, back and
chest - areas that the greatest congestion of the sebaceous glands. Elements can wear noninflammatory acne (comedones) or inflammatory (papules, pustules) character.Depending on the severity of acne was isolated 4 step process.
Stage 1. A mild form of acne manifestations
Characterized by the presence of the skin open and closed comedones no signs of inflammation, solitary papules. Acne Treatment at this stage is not difficult.
Stage 2. Moderate acne manifestation
of acne on the skin presents a large number of open and closed
comedones, pimples (papules 10-20) with signs of inflammation. Forecast cure at this stage of long-term (6-8 weeks), but favorable.
Stage 3. A severe form of acne manifestations
have the same characteristics as that in the second stage, but the
number of inflammatory elements in the skin is increased to 20-40 units. Requires the appointment of specialized therapy.
Stage 4. Extremely severe form of acne manifestations
Characterized by a large number of papules, pustules, nodes (more than 40 items). Requires serious specialized treatment.