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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Acne , how can you recognize it and its types , skin treatment


acne , skin treatment
Acne , skin treatment

Acne is a disease caused by inflammation and disruption of the sebaceous glands - they begin to produce too much fat. This leads to blockage of the sebaceous duct, the hair grease and dead skin cells and the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands and on the skin of acne. 

In order to cure acne (acne), you need to know in what form it takes. To determine the form of acne, we recommend proven and widely used by dermatologists classification developed by the American Academy of Dermatology. According to this classification, there are four degrees of severity of acne. They differ from each other in the number and shape of the skin of acne.

What are degrees of Acne ?

The first (easy) the degree of acne:

On the skin, there are fewer than 10 small tubercles of up to 1 mm (doctors call them comedones) and less than 10 inflammatory nodules pink or bluish-red color of up to 5 mm (papules). Comedones may be open, in the form of black dots, and closed in a small sealed with white liquid inside.

The second (middle) the degree of acne:

On the skin are available from 10 to 25 small comedones, from 10 to 25 papules and pustules few. Pustules (doctors call them pustules) rise above the skin and containing a whitish-yellow purulent fluid. The skin around the papules and pustules may be reddish, bluish-pink shade.

Third (severe) of acne:

On the skin are available from 26 to 50 comedones, from 21 to 30 papules and pustules, and up to 5 large dense painful knots bluish-pink velechiny more than 5 mm. With this degree of acne skin is inflamed, has partially red, bluish-pink hue and has scars on the skin.

Fourth (severe) of acne:

On the skin, there are more than 50 comedones, more than 30 papules and pustules, and more than 5 large painful knots. The skin is badly inflamed and it can be scars and sores.

How can you recognize Acne ?!

The main feature, suggesting a diagnosis "common acne" - it papules pustular eruptions, which eventually transformed into a bright red or pink capsule filled with pus. Around it there are all signs of inflammation - namely, swelling and redness of the skin. Depending on the intensity of the process. First are extensive infiltrates, which do not affect the deep layers of the skin. The second is to develop slowly and long, but penetrate deep into the skin and requires a long, laborious treatment. In some cases, they merge into one large lesion. If a person is diagnosed with acne, treatment of folk remedies and traditional medicines should be appointed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease threatens to go to the necrotic form in which the large-scale destruction of tissue cells of the skin to form a deep, ugly scars.

What are Acne types ?

Acne can appear on the face, neck, back and other parts of the body in different ways.
Black dots:
acne type , skin treatment
Black dots , acne type , skin treatment
This sebum is difficult "plug" of hard horny scales. Their outer part because of the dust becomes dark. Typically, there are black dots in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin and at the chest and back.Vulgaris white:
acne types , skin treatment
Vulgaris white , acne type , skin treatment
They also called Corn Bunting. This spot the size of a grain of nodules arising from stretching glands and fat delay. Such acne usually appear in the eyelids and cheeks.
acne types , skin treatment
Vulgaris , acne type , skin treatment
It's pimples on the face, arising due to chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands. 
Most often they appear in adolescents during puberty.
Pustular acne:
acne types , skin treatment
Pustular acne , acne type , skin treatment
Usually they have purulent hats red and appear in the defeat of the epidermis. 
Precedes the appearance of pustules squeezing blackheads.
Acne conglobata:
acne types , skin treatment
Acne conglobata , acne type , skin treatment
These skin rashes are rounded and are associated with staphylococcal wand. 
Such acne that occurs on the side of the cheeks, neck and back pain is the most dangerous. After removing and healing inflamed nodes leaves scars.Acne medication: 

Various medications that cause allergies cause it. 
Acne of this type appears on the body in the form of ulcers or red spots.
Abscess acne:
acne types , skin treatment
Abscess acne , acne type , skin treatment
This tumor that forms as a result of destruction of the sebaceous glands. 
Acne fuse and take the form of abscesses or ulcers. After their removal at this site formed scars.Professional dermatologist, examining the face and other affected areas of the body is able to correctly determine the form of acne. Comprehensive survey and competent treatment assignment (eg, laser procedures) will help to get rid of troublesome symptoms.

What can doctor do for Acne treatment ?

Register means of acne containing tretinoin (lotions, creams), which help to reduce the secretion of sebum and, therefore, stopping and clogging of pores of acne. 

Prescribe antibiotics that kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. In a particularly severe acne physician can prescribe a drug containing isotretinoin for oral administration. However, be aware that this method of treatment has side effects. In particular, it is contraindicated in pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant in the near future. 

You can also make the affected area injections various drugs that accelerate healing and reduce inflammation. This method also allows you to reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes. 

Regular use of topical preparations for acne in combination with medication prescribed by the doctor, to help avoid severe rashes and scarring (post-acne).

What can you do for Acne treatment ?

In most cases acne can be cured with the help of various OTC anti-acne preparations (lotions, creams, gels). The most common ingredient of acne include benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfur. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that cause acne. Azelaic acid has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect. Resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfur, although today it is not used as widely as before, can help lift comedones (both closed and open). 

Use facial masks that remove excess sebum. Avoid stress. Consult with your doctor if acne progresses, severe skin condition or if after acne scars remain.

About Chuck

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