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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How can you recognize hepatitis A symptoms and diagnosis , Hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis treatment
Hepatitis A treatment , Hepatitis treatment

What are hepatitis A symptoms ?

The main hepatitis A symptoms determines the age of the sick. At older ages, manifested more complications, and small children often suffer no hepatitis A symptoms, and ends with the disease spontaneously.Early hepatitis A symptoms can be mistaken for symptoms of other illnesses with fever and intoxication, but in some individuals, especially children, have no hepatitis A symptoms virus has a direct cytopathic effect that is capable of directly damage hepatocytes.In its classic form of hepatitis A begins with an incubation period of 7 to 50 days and followed by prodromal phase of hepatitis A. The most common hepatitis A symptoms resemble flu symptoms: headache, chills, fever and may cause feelings of weakness, skin rashes and joint pain.Hepatitis A complicates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased appetite to food, there are diarrhea and vomiting.At the end of the prodromal period appears quite characteristic sign of hepatitis: dark beer color of urine (color becomes like a strong brewed black tea and much more foam), and this means that the prodromal phase was replaced icteric phase of hepatitis A.Contrary to popular belief, jaundice does not appear in all forms of hepatitis, but hepatitis A symptoms is very characteristic. Jaundice occurs when generated in the liver bile enters the bloodstream and gives the skin and whites of the eyes characteristic yellowish tint. That bile getting into the urine of the patient, making it dark, and feces, on the contrary, becomes discolored, losing bile.Infected children under six years old usually do not experience noticeable symptoms, and only 10% develop jaundice. Among older children and adults, infection usually causes more severe symptoms, with jaundice occurring in more than 70% of cases.Hepatitis A does not have a long heavy damaging effect on the liver, but in rare cases, severe hepatic insufficiency can lead to coma and death. Most patients with acute hepatitis A fully recover from infection (unlike hepatitis B and C, which cause chronic stable liver inflammation).In humans, fully recovered from the disease, develop antibodies to hepatitis A and formed lasting lifelong immunity.

How can doctors do hepatitis A diagnosis ?

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photolibrary photo of blood analysis , hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis A diagnosis doctor performed to start collecting history specialist to identify the source of infection. In recognition of the disease helps the doctor much information about the patient in contact with anyone in the last month, where he went, what he eats, comply with the rules of personal hygiene, whether drinking unboiled water, and so on.In hepatitis A diagnosis is very important to conduct a full examination of the patient for disorders of the digestive system, fever, muscle toxicity. In daylight carefully examined mucous membranes and sclera of the eyes: if there is an easy yellowness, the diagnosis is not in doubt. Also in cases of suspected hepatitis performed palpation of the abdomen. Almost always, the doctor notes the increased size of the liver.Laboratory hepatitis A diagnosis include urinalysis, stool and blood. Blood is investigated in the acute phase of the disease when hepatitis A symptoms become more bright. The patient should pass and biochemical analysis, the results of the assistants detect the presence or absence of antibodies anti - HAV IgM. These antibodies are the main marker of hepatitis A.
The presence in the blood of antibodies to hepatitis A related to the immunoglobulin M (Anti - HAV IgM). 
These antibodies are found only in the acute phase, during convalescence titer (content) is reduced.
hepatits treatment
hepatitis A diagnosis , hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis A complications

Despite the fact that in general, hepatitis A is not a health hazard and, in rare cases, may be a very severe hepatic insufficiency. In the absence of this drug therapy hepatic insufficiency may lead to coma and death. 
In some cases there is loss of biliary tract.
 However, such complications of hepatitis A are rare.

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