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Friday, August 29, 2014

What do you know about hepatitis A treatment in children , hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis A treatment in children , hepatitis treatment
Hepatitis A treatment in children , hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis A treatment in general

Patients with viral hepatitis A better treated at home.
 By the time of diagnosis, when the first bright clinical manifestations of hepatitis A in the form of jaundice of the skin and sclera, patients are no longer dangerous to others in epidemiological terms.

Since hepatitis A, as well as any other infection, causes a decrease in the immune protection of the child, it becomes more susceptible to other infections, and under clinical conditions the probability of infection of SARS, pneumonia and other viral hepatitis is quite large. 
It should also take into account that hospitalization is a great stress for the child and does not contribute to its recovery, so in cases where there is no urgent need to stay around the clock in a medical facility, the child is better left to the home
 treatment of hepatitis A in children. 
Optimal range of therapeutic interventions is a rational motive mode, optimal health food, drugs, and helps to eliminate bile, vitamin and mineral waters.

Motor mode of patients with hepatitis A

Motor mode is in direct proportion to the severity of the disease, the state of health of the patient.
In severe forms of the same bed rest should observe the entire period of intoxication and about a week from the beginning of jaundice period.  
Once the symptoms of intoxication passed polupostelny child transferred to a treatment regimen for hepatitis A in children. Criteria for the extension motor mode - is the general condition of the child and his appetite.
Sign of positive dynamics is also a decrease jaundice skin. Optimum driving mode for patients with hepatitis A: bed rest until the third day of jaundice period, up to 20-30th day of the disease - polupostelny mode. Sparing regimen observed 2-4 weeks after complete recovery.

Under gentle mode means exemption from sports and other types of physical activity 3-6 months.

Clinical nutrition of patients with hepatitis A

Hepatitis A treatment , Hepatitis treatment
Hepatitis A treatment in children
Therapeutic nutrition in viral hepatitis A should be complete, high-calorie. Should be excluded from the diet of lard, margarine, fatty sausage, pork, canned meat, oily fish, pickles, spicy cheeses, garlic, radish, radish, chocolate, cakes, candy, sausage, mushrooms, nuts, mustard, mayonnaise pepper.Is recommended that the diet of protein in the form of cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, lean meat (beef, veal, chicken), lean fish and low-fat cheeses. Fats are as butter and vegetable oils.Carbohydrates are given in the form of cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar. The ratios of protein to carbohydrate food fats and food must be as 1: 4: 1. A child can have a jam, candy, dried fruit, fresh vegetables and fruit, light salads, jelly and jelly. During particularly severe intoxication child should be given plenty of drink.
If a child complains of nausea, you should give him tea with lemon or milk, broth hips, alkaline mineral water or sweetened water. 
Obviously, in the first days of illness, especially when expressed intoxication, the child will refuse to eat. It is important in this period of excessive drinking, which should diversify juices can give jelly, sweet tea, milk porridge.But should not be allowed to force-feeding. This can only weight the symptoms, and if severe, the food is contraindicated in the first day. Dietary restrictions should be observed for 2-3 months from the onset.

Hepatitis A treatment in children

Hepatitis A treatment , Hepatitis treatment
Hepatitis A treatment in children , Hepatitis A treatment
Typically, hepatitis A patients do not need to assign a particular antiviral therapy. Drug treatment of such patients is limited appointment Cholagogue: magnesium sulfate, flamen, etc.

Treatment with vitamins spend 10-15 days. Of other drugs in the recovery period can be assigned essential 1 capsule 3 times daily after meals 2-4 weeks.

How can you prevent hepatitis A in children ?

Hepatitis A treatment , Hepatitis treatment
prevention of hepatitis A
Wash your hands with soap and running water after using the toilet, changing diapers for children, as well as before cooking and eating food. This is the most important measure in preventing hepatitis A. If you are traveling to areas where hepatitis A is common, and there is no sanitation, boil water, clean fruits and vegetables before eating inside. Teach your children to wash their hands. Change children's diapers on surfaces that can be easily washed and disinfected (eg, 1 tablespoon of household bleach per gallon of water). Never change diapers on tables where you eat or prepare food. Need to be careful in preparing shellfish, especially if you already have a chronic form of liver disease. Drink water from approved sources.Tell your doctor if someone in your family is sick with hepatitis A. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe injections of immunoglobulin family members sick.Complete the vaccine if you are at high risk of infection, or planning a trip to a country with a high incidence of hepatitis A.

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